00. Shell programming
Create 00_OverviewShell directory. All code must reside here.
Script: executable text file
can be executed with interpretator script_file
e. g. sh script
«shebang» (#!/bin/sh at the first line)
chmod +x script
⇒ can be executed via ./script
run by name if it's directory is in $PATH variable
⇒ can be executed via just script
Simple script file named c1:
- A is variable
$A is a substitution of A value
echo command is executed after substitution, so
- if called as
sh c1 ABC def 123
- it outputs
ABC def 123
without extra spaces, because echo $A expands to echo ABC def 123, which is command echo with three command line parameters
- if called as
How to make echo display all spaces as well?
fix c1 to do this
Output substitution, c2 file
The «`command`» (also «$(command)») construction runs command and substitute it with its' output
No spaces is allowed around «=» when assigning
- All variables are strings
Modify c2 not to read A, but to output user login name instead (use logname or whoami command)
- Multiline
echo $A squeezes all newlines as well
If you want to use control characters like in C, use echo -e key
Write a c4 script that
ends with command echo -e "$Msg"
- outputs
Hello, your_login_name! Welcome to Linux
- and contains only one two extra lines:
- one shebang
and one like Msg=…something…
- make this script executable
Commandline parameters. This is c5 file:
$1, $2 … — command line argument №1, №2 …
$0 — name of the script itself
$* — all command line arguments
$# — number of command line arguments so
Conditional if operator.
- Overview:
if last of condition-conmands exit with success status (zero status code), true-commands are executed.
otherwise, if last of condition-conmands exit with non-zero exit status (an error), false-commands are executed.
Yes, 0 status is true, non-0 is false!
Yes, fi is if backwards
Example c6 file:
- Overview:
if ls is successful, echoes YES, otherwise NO
«$?» — is exit status of failed command
using 2> /dev/null to redirect error messages out of terminal:
Rewrite c6 file (copy it to c7)
To output content of ls after «YES» message, if ls is successful
Not to output error message if ls is not successful
- Research
What exit status the command read generates? Try it
Important: Please consult help read (e. g. here) command instead of man read, because read is shell built-in and you got manual page on all shell builtins
- Research
How to suppress «\n» output after echo (see echo)?
- Task
Write a c8 script that asks user for name, and prints a welcome message either if an user has entered a name or not:
Hint: In second example user had not pressed «Enter»